

Maximize Delivery Efficiency

The largest expenses for heating oil and propane distributors are those related to deliveries. Fixed fleet costs including trucks, insurance, and maintenance, as well as variable costs of wages and fuel during the heating season, seem to always be increasing. ADEPT™ (Angus Delivery Efficiency Planning Tools) is a revolutionary method to trim your fleet, lower your insurance costs, and reduce wages and other variable costs.

Become your dispatcher’s best support tool

Reduce the size of your fleet

Decrease wage expenses

Increase your profitability by as much as 55%

No disruption in your daily operations

No changes in your current process

ADEPT™ is the only solution of its kind available to the petroleum industry

ADEPT™ automatically triggers two important outcomes: your deliveries are ‘right-sized’ and your peak delivery schedules are adjusted so that you can “flatten the curve”, leading to lower delivery costs. Synced directly to your back-office system, the ADEPT™ Team monitors and ensures delivery data accuracy, which assures that our solution does not disrupt your daily operations, nor change your current delivery process.

I am thrilled with ADEPT and could not believe what I have gotten with one driver because of ADEPT. We didn’t flatten our curve – we crushed it!

Cameron Condon

Eastern Fuels

We recently launched the ADEPT delivery optimization tool in our BOS. The Angus team was super helpful and very quick to respond as we worked through the requirements of launching the tool through a delivery software that was new to their team. While the software has only been in production for 4 months, which are our slower delivery months, the Winter projections look great and we are very excited for the upcoming heating season and our future partnership with Angus.

Carrie Karoll

Shipley Energy

I used to get up at 4:30 am, in the office by 6 am to plan the day’s dispatch. Since ADEPT I haven’t seen 6 am on my alarm!

Matt Allen

Great Valley Propane

We were a little anxious to start this at the beginning of the winter, but Angus did all of the hard work, and from start-to-go was quick and easy. We’re already seeing more efficient deliveries.

Robert Spiegel

SOS Fuels

* Testimonials may not be representative of the experience of other clients, and they are not guarantees of future performance or success. The testimonials provided herein are unpaid.

Combine Your Experience With Our Technology

ADEPT™ will reduce peak deliveries, peak trucks, and overall delivery expense saving you up to 39% compared to your current costs. Our solution will expose the large percent of your high K factor customers who don’t necessarily need deliveries in January (as many of them receive now).

The Latest About ADEPT

Mastering Summer Deliveries

Mastering Summer Deliveries

Have we grown so accustomed to profiting only in the winter that we accept controllable losses during the summer? Our experts review some steps to help you prevent seasonal losses and boost profits.
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Stop thinking Macro – Start thinking Micro

Stop thinking Macro – Start thinking Micro

In our industry, we often rely on averages: Average annual HDDs, gallons per delivery, time spent on service calls, etc. Sure, it’s convenient but we should be asking if using averages makes things easier; “I would rather remember one number for the number of stops made per hour than look at every stop.” Interestingly, all those averages are derived from individual data points… Could focusing on the micro-level make us more efficient without overwhelming us with too many numbers?
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Do I Really Need All These Trucks?

Do I Really Need All These Trucks?

When you look out into the yard during the summer, what do you see? Trucks, lots of trucks. Some are out making deliveries, but the rest are there just sitting there, waiting. Trucks are the backbone of your business, and you wouldn’t survive without them BUT do you really need all of your trucks?
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