Parallels in Basebal and Fuel Delivery

Fueling Efficiency: Lessons from Baseball’s Data Revolution

From the MLB’s pitch clock to optimized fuel delivery, data-driven strategies are making waves. See how analytics are reshaping baseball and improving efficiency in fuel operations. Discover how embracing data-driven strategies can enhance efficiency and performance in both sports and business.

Mind The Gaps

Mind The Gaps…

In today's fast-paced world, we're all juggling multiple responsibilities. We increasingly rely on technology. From smartphones that remind us of appointments to apps that guide us to our destinations, technology simplifies our lives. But have you considered how your business's Back-office System (BOS) plays a critical role in your operations?

A Cautionary Tale of Two Companies

Two similar heating oil companies faced rising costs with different strategies. One chose operational efficiency, while the other stuck with high prices. Explore the outcomes and uncover crucual lessons about adapting to change to stay competitive.

Dealing With the Squeeze Play by Phil Baratz

The Squeeze Play

Sales price pressure from the top and operating expense pressure from the bottom is what Angus Analytics Managing Partner Bob Levins refers to as “the squeeze play.” While per-gallon profit margins have not gone back to where they were in 2018, they are well below the levels of the past three years. At the same time, we’ve come off of our second consecutive warm winter and are still facing an inflationary environment that is driving up nearly all operating costs. We cannot hide from our realities: expenses must be managed in a way that doesn’t impact the customer experience....

An Embarrassment of Riches

Phil Baratz provides his insights from a 5-year collaboration with fuel distributors, showcasing significant improvements in operational efficiency and cost management through data-driven strategies.

Is Basis a Big Deal?

There are ways to hedge Basis risk and they can include working with a supplier or working with a “paper hedge.” It is not something to panic about, but ignoring DIFFs is at your own peril.

Stop Thinking Macro; Start Thinking Micro

Stop thinking Macro – Start thinking Micro

In our industry, we often rely on averages: Average annual HDDs, gallons per delivery, time spent on service calls, etc. Sure, it's convenient but we should be asking if using averages makes things easier; “I would rather remember one number for the number of stops made per hour than look at every stop.” Interestingly, all those averages are derived from individual data points... Could focusing on the micro-level make us more efficient without overwhelming us with too many numbers?

Retain Don't Replace

The Power of Pricing Programs

The days of continually raising prices to maintain profits are long gone; survival in today's cutthroat market demands streamlined operations and competitive pricing models. Keeping customers can be as simple as offering the RIGHT pricing program...

Why Business Intelligence is Your Key to Operational Success

Imagine what you could achieve if you could easily combine all the information that is available about your operations and your customers. Business Intelligence (BI) is the solution that makes this a reality. It collects and analyzes data from various sources, transforming it into valuable insights that can drive your business forward. There are numerous reasons why businesses invest in Business Intelligence. Let's explore five of them...

Converting Metrics Into Money

Maximizing Profits – A Data Driven Approach

As operating costs continue to rise, efficiency becomes paramount to maintaining profits. Many fuel marketers are turning to their data to identify metrics and devise plans for improvement. Here are some simple points to consider...