September 16, 2020
We are all familiar with the famous disclaimer: “Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results”. In our world, that of HISTORICAL K-factor deliveries, past performance is heavily relied upon – mostly successfully. Yet, the pandemic that swept our nation over the past 7 months will put that success into question in a very…
August 10, 2020
After performing one of the industry’s most comprehensive delivery and dispatch studies over several heating seasons, we believe the outcomes will change your entire perception of what it means to deliver optimally. Time and time again we hear fuel marketers talk about the expense of trucks and insurance coupled with the fact that it is…
June 22, 2020
We have used data to help our clients track hedges for their pricing programs, to notify them when their margins were far away from their budgeted amounts, and to let them know when their customers’ tanks were running low. With access to an almost endless about of data, we help our clients navigate their operational…
May 7, 2020
Imagine if all of your customers were new customers. We all love new customers. They are excited about us and we are about them. We have no receivables or service issues with them, and they have never complained to us about anything. Most importantly, they are bringing us revenue that we didn’t have before. There…
April 14, 2020
The world has changed and it will never be the same. We will be facing more uncertainty over the next few years than ever in our lifetime.The COVID-19 pandemic is not only a health crisis of gigantic proportion—it’s also an imminent restructuring of the global economic order. We are in an essential industry, selling products and services that people will continue to need, but the future is unknown. Are you ready?
March 27, 2020
In recent weeks, fuel dealers had been lamenting the impact on earnings from an unusually placid winter stretch, with hopes buoyed in some respect by very favorable commodity prices. But seemingly overnight, the COVID-19 scourge which was critically impacting other parts of the world suddenly became very real. Now a pandemic, the virus impact has…
March 16, 2020
As uncertainty surrounding the myriad of potential impacts as the result of COVID-19 keeps growing, politicians, regulators, medical professionals, clerical leaders, and economists face the ever-daunting task of answering some of the unanswerable questions: How many will be infected? Can we truly segment those who are at greater risk? Will the expected mortality rate fall?…
October 25, 2019
It seems that technological changes are coming at us at the speed of, well – technology. From an app to deliver food to your door within minutes of your order, to the latest innovation that keeps your car in its lane while at the same time keeping it a safe distance from the car in…
September 19, 2019
The attack at the Aramco oil facilities in Saudi Arabia last weekend caught the globe by surprise and is now being labeled as the worst such attack in its history. As fuel dealers, you are likely wondering how this will affect your prices, which in turn means wondering how it will also impact your customers…
August 14, 2019
Have you ever gotten in your car and decided to just drive to a destination without a plan on how to get there? What streets would you take? Would you need to stop for gas? Would you need your GPS? These are just a few of the many items that you would need to consider…