Tackling the Cash Crunch

Many factors are conspiring to squeeze you this winter and the impact could be significant.  The good news is that owners and managers have time to plan before the chilly days return and your need for cash to support seasonal operations grows again.

To cap or not to cap…

As retail prices increase, customers who are on pricing programs are shielded from price spikes.  Sure, it costs money to be on a cap program, and you might have to be on a budget plan AND have a service contract.  But the savings…  Caps are intended to protect customers from price increases and allow them to benefit if prices fall.  It does come with a cost (the costs to hedge the cap), but those costs are an investment that can yield fantastic results! Dealers who offer caps and hedge them (properly) meet their profit goals and earn a good...

Basis Blowouts: Here to stay?

Is a “steady basis” a thing of the past? Will it return to normal? When might it happen? What if my supplier doesn’t offer me a fixed diff? What if I don’t want one? All of these questions are “top of the mind” as we plan for next winter.

The world has changed and you are about to become less efficient

Imagine if all of your customers were new customers. We all love new customers.  They are excited about us and we are about them.  We have no receivables or service issues with them, and they have never complained to us about anything.  Most importantly, they are bringing us revenue that we didn’t have before.  There…

The world has changed – Are you ready?

The world has changed and it will never be the same. We will be facing more uncertainty over the next few years than ever in our lifetime.The COVID-19 pandemic is not only a health crisis of gigantic proportion—it’s also an imminent restructuring of the global economic order. We are in an essential industry, selling products and services that people will continue to need, but the future is unknown. Are you ready?