K-factors are suffering from the pandemic

We are all familiar with the famous disclaimer: “Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results”.  In our world, that of HISTORICAL K-factor deliveries, past performance is heavily relied upon – mostly successfully.  Yet, the pandemic that swept our nation over the past 7 months will put that success into question in a very…

The world has changed – Are you ready?

The world has changed and it will never be the same. We will be facing more uncertainty over the next few years than ever in our lifetime.The COVID-19 pandemic is not only a health crisis of gigantic proportion—it’s also an imminent restructuring of the global economic order. We are in an essential industry, selling products and services that people will continue to need, but the future is unknown. Are you ready?

Tank Monitoring Best Practices from Fuel Marketers

As a proud partner with ADD Systems, we had the opportunity to guest post on their blog about some tips we learned from some of our tank monitoring clients. ADD Systems is one of our valued integrated back-office software companies for both BRITE® and GREMLIN®. We recently interviewed two of our GREMLIN clients, Gary Sippin,…

Top 5 Tank Monitoring Questions from the “Ask the Experts” Webinar

With a growing number of heating oil and propane tank monitoring options on the market today, and so many different factors to consider (communication type, fuel type, technology, price, support, customer app, etc.), fuel dealers are often left with more questions than answers.   As such, we thought that it would be helpful for fuel dealers…

Delivery Costs: How Much Does A Runout Really Cost You?

The highest priority of every fuel dealer is to make sure automatic delivery customers don’t run out of fuel. This is especially true during the winter months. During a recent interview with Gary Sippin of Sippin Energy Products, he mentioned: “the true cost of a run-out is grossly misunderstood.” This led us to explore the…